How To Deploy Grafto using Pulumi
A complete code example that shows how you can deploy Grafto on AWS ECS Fargate, using Pulumi as your infrastructure as a code tool and Golang for the logic.
How to create a blog using Golang
An introductory guide on how to build and develop website with Golang focused on building a simple blog from scratch, ending with a deployable application.
Top level internal is unnecessary
A short reflection on the use of internal, why it came about in the first place, alternatives for it and when to use it.
Choosing an IaC tool: Pulumi vs Terraform
A non-devOps engineer's perspective on when to use pulumi compared to terraform and how to remove frictions for your team.
One Month One Dollar - Part Two
Results of the challenge to generate at least 1 dollar within 1 month starting completely from scratch.
One Month One Dollar - Part One
Introduction to a challenge to generate at least 1 dollar starting from scratch in 1 month or less. Inspiried by 12 month 12 startups.
Wantrepreneurship & getting out of tutorial hell
Reflections on wanting to become an entreprenuer, not getting anyhere and possible paths towards starting actual online businesses.
How to build a (simple) blog using Rust
An introductory guide on how to build and develop website with Rust focused on building a simple blog from scratch, ending with a deployable application.
How to write integration tests in Go apps
A guide on writing integration tests in Go using docker aimed at beginner Golang developers to quickly get started writing simple integration tests.
A practical approach to structuring Golang apps
An introductory guide on how to structure Go apps for beginner Golang developers, focused on showing a practical way of creating Go apps when starting out.