

Why you should use Go


A personal love letter to Golang, why I think more people should use it for full-stack web development and embrace traditional server-side rendered apps.

Reflections on trying to build a saas product in 5 days


Small write-up on my attempt to use Grafto to build a new saas product from scratch in 5 working days, what I learned and how to improve it for the next attempt

A short run guide to deploying Grafto using Pulumi


A complete code example that shows how you can deploy Grafto on AWS ECS Fargate, using Pulumi as your infrastructure as a code tool and Golang for the logic.

Building a blogging website with Golang


An introductory guide on how to build and develop website with Golang focused on building a simple blog from scratch, ending with a deployable application.

Why top level internal is uncessary in Golang


A short reflection on the use of internal, why it came about in the first place, alternatives for it and when to use it.

Choosing an IaC tool: Pulumi vs Terraform


A non-devOps engineer's perspective on when to use pulumi compared to terraform and how to remove frictions for your team.


One month to make one dollar: Part one


Introduction to a challenge to generate at least 1 dollar starting from scratch in 1 month or less. Inspiried by 12 month 12 startups.

One month to make one dollar: Part two


Results of the challenge to generate at least 1 dollar within 1 month starting completely from scratch.

Reflections on going from wantrepreneur to entrepreneur


Reflections on wanting to become an entreprenuer, not getting anyhere and possible paths towards starting actual online businesses.


Integration testing in Golang: A guide


A guide on writing integration tests in Go using docker aimed at beginner Golang developers to quickly get started writing simple integration tests.

Building a blogging website with Rust


An introductory guide on how to build and develop website with Rust focused on building a simple blog from scratch, ending with a deployable application.


Opinionated guide to structuring Golang apps


An introductory guide on how to structure Go apps for beginner Golang developers, focused on showing a practical way of creating Go apps when starting out.